By Beth Ann Phifer on Thursday, 27 July 2023
Category: In His Dust

In His Dust – The Parable of the Lavish Father

In His Dust – The Parable of the Lavish Father 
He is eager to love us!
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Yeshua’s (Jesus) parable traditionally called The Prodigal Son, I have renamed The Parable of the Lavish Father, after studying with Dwight Pryor. Yeshua paints a beautiful portrait of the nature of God’s inviting love that ministers to our deepest need! I will start with a quick summary about Jewish parables.

The Nature of Jewish Parables

The Parable of the Lavish Father   Please read Luke 15:11-32 first to understand this study.

Before Yeshua shared this parable, He had been “passing through from one city and village to another, teaching, and proceeding on His way to Jerusalem.” (Luke 13:22)  His audience included both “sinners” (common people who were aware of their sin) and Pharisees (leaders who were not aware of their sin).

The Jewish Context and Culture

What questions do you think would have been in their minds? What questions do you have?

Yeshua’s Message about God and Us

In The Parable of the Lavish Father, Yeshua taught the true character of God. At every juncture in the parable, the Father went against cultural expectations and his legal right. He put Himself in jeopardy and humiliated Himself to extend mercy to His children.

Our Father is eager to pour out hesed, undeserved grace, favor, and mercy to us! Even when He is insulted and abused, His love overshadows His justice!

This is the true nature of the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua Messiah!

In Michael Card’s book Inexpressible: Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness he defines hesed (God’s love) like this: “When the person from whom I have a right to expect nothing gives me everything.”

In this parable, Yeshua invites the “sinners” and the Pharisees to the Father’s heart. In other words, He invites those who see their sin and those who do not see their sin to receive the Father’s love.

A Prayer

Lord, You put Yourself in jeopardy for us. You were insulted and abused beyond recognition and still spoke words of grace. Your blood flowed to pay our debt, to cover our shame, and to give us eternal life. Your unmerited favor is complete, free, and hard to believe. But we believe, and we are in awe!

We were blind, rude, controlling, proud, and selfish. But we have come home to You and experienced every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah! You adopted us as sons and daughters because of Your kindness. In our complete undeservedness, You eagerly lavish Your love on us every day!

Give us revelation to know You better. Strengthen us in Your resurrection power for the days ahead! We lift our hands in praise and adoration to You!

(For more about our Father's hesed, please see the post Living in God's Undeserved Love.)

Shale Fragments™ - writings by Beth Ann Phifer is a division of Flower Girl Greetings, LLC. ©2020, All Rights Reserved.
Blessings and love in Him,
Beth Ann

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