In His Dust – 11. Parables of the Heart and the Kingdom


In His Dust – 11. Parables of the Heart and the Kingdom
The Seven Parables of Matthew 13
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To understand the characteristics of the parables of Yeshua (Jesus), please first see the writing Parables – Their Uniqueness and Beauty .

Previously, we learned the following characteristics of parables:

  • Parables are thought-provoking stories that teach and summon a response from the listener.
  • Parables are clear and illuminating to receptive, humble, willing hearts.
  • As the listener responds with action to the parables, more light comes.
  • Parables do not contain secrets meant only for the elite or smart; rather, they invite everyone to engage with them. Their goal is never to conceal. They do not need to be decoded.
  • Parables clarify, illustrate, dramatize, and reveal truth.
  • Parables are not given to condemn but to call the listeners to repentance.

In His Dust – 10. Parables - Their Uniqueness and Beauty


In His Dust – 10. Parables
Their Uniqueness and Beauty
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One third of Yeshua’s teaching was in parables. The English word parable comes from the Greek parabolé meaning that which is cast alongside, a comparison, analogy, or metaphor. The underlying Hebrew word is mâshâl from the root that means shadow. Mâshâl means a story that teaches a lesson. As you can see in the picture above of the shadows on the snow in my front yard, the shadows are not the real mounds of snow; they are evidence of the mounds. You only see them when the sun shines on the mounds.

In His Dust – 3. Binding and Loosing

In His Dust – 3. Binding and Loosing

In His Dust 
Binding and Loosing
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Yeshua's Yoke - An Invitation to Rest


Yeshua's Yoke 
An Invitation to Rest
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Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest. 
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Yeshua (Jesus), Matthew 11:28-30

The Torah is the Law (the first five books of the Bible) or God’s 613 Instructions for Life. Learning and following Torah was an arduous task and responsibility and, therefore, was called The Yoke of Torah.

In His Dust – The Parable of the Lavish Father


In His Dust – The Parable of the Lavish Father 
He is eager to love us!
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Yeshua’s (Jesus) parable traditionally called The Prodigal Son, I have renamed The Parable of the Lavish Father, after studying with Dwight Pryor. Yeshua paints a beautiful portrait of the nature of God’s inviting love that ministers to our deepest need! I will start with a quick summary about Jewish parables.

In His Dust – 8. The Explosive Power of the Kingdom


In His Dust – 8. The Explosive Power of the Kingdom 
His power in gentleness
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Revised 9/2024
The verse, the context, the interpretation, the application, a prayer, and discussion questions.

As we look at the parables of Yeshua (Jesus), we see what the kingdom of God is like, and we know how to advance as the darkness increases. Our advance will not be like the armies of the world but will come explosively and powerfully in unassuming ways.

In His Dust – 7. Immersion and the Spirit


In His Dust – 7. Immersion and the Spirit 
How Jewish Immersion foreshadows our New Birth!
The meaning, the context, a personal story, and a prayer
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The rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in 164 BC after the victorious Maccabean revolt[i] birthed a fresh loyalty among the Jewish people and a resurgence of writing in the Hebrew language.[ii] In the first century A.D., the followers of Yeshua (Jesus) recorded His words in Hebrew with the exception of Luke who was Greek. The New Testament was soon translated into Greek, the spoken language of the ruling Roman empire. Although the earliest known manuscripts were transcribed in the Greek language, the original Hebrew words and idioms lay underneath. I love to search for these underlying Hebrew gems sparkling beneath the surface. 

In His Dust – 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church


In His Dust – 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church 
Restoring her calling and gifts
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In His Dust is a series based on my notes from Dwight Pryor’s teaching. For details, please see In His Dust – A Quick Recap.


  • Introduction Points
  • Examples of the roles women assumed in the first-century church
  • The beautiful, breath-taking meanings of “head” and “submission”
  • Conclusion

In His Dust – 9. The Breathtaking Beauty of True Submission


In His Dust - 9. The Breathtaking Beauty of True Submission 
Loving Each Other
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In His Dust is a series based on my notes from Dwight Pryor’s teaching. For details, please see In His Dust – A Quick Recap.

This writing was extracted from a previous writing called In His Dust - 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church. I added more detail and emphasis on the definitions of the words head and submit because they are so beautiful.

The Two G’s - Gossip and Grudges


The Two G’s 
Gossip and Grudges
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There were two Hebrew idioms that were popular at the time of Yeshua (Jesus). I learned them from Brandon of Brandon Robbins Ministry. I will share the simple definitions of these idioms along with my thoughts about them… and then, I will get personal, so I hope you will keep reading!

In His Dust – 5. Abolishing and Fulfilling


In His Dust 
Abolishing and Fulfilling
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The word Scripture is mentioned over 50 times in the New Testament. It refers to the Tenakh which had been the Bible of the Jewish people in Yeshua’s day for over 200 years. Their Tenakh was (and is) composed of three portions – The Torah (first five books of Moses), the Prophets, and the Writings. (See Luke 24:44 as an example.)

In His Dust – 4. The history and culture surrounding Yeshua’s life and teaching, A Brief Overview

In His Dust – 4. The history and culture surrounding Yeshua’s life and teaching, A Brief Overview

In His Dust 
The history and culture surrounding Yeshua’s life and teaching, A Brief Overview
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In His Dust – The Nativity Festival


In His Dust 
The Nativity Festival
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These facts and suggestions were gleaned and condensed from Dwight Pryor’s message called The Christmas Controversy. I have included a few of my own conclusions, as well. I share it because it is fun to explore the events of Yeshua’s life starting with His birth!

Facts about The Nativity Festival

  • Just because Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate Messiah Yeshua’s (Jesus) birth. Post-biblical does not mean anti-biblical. Matthew and Luke both share this story that changed history forever! Another example of a post-biblical celebration is Hanukkah. Yeshua went up to the Temple in Jerusalem for this Feast of Dedication (John 10:22-23). If the events that this holiday celebrates had not happened, the Jews would have been annihilated, and Yeshua would not have been born.

In His Dust – 2. An Overview - His Word, Our Defense


In His Dust – An Overview 
His Word, Our Defense
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Recently, I heard an online roundtable discussion among leaders who are exposing corruption and bringing truth to light so we can act accordingly. Each leader was asked, “What can we do?” One man said something I didn’t expect given the topics of discussion – he said, “We must learn all we can about Yeshua (Jesus). We must know Him, spend time with Him, and follow Him. Then, we will be ready.”

In His Dust – 1. A Quick Recap of the Purpose

In His Dust – 1. A Quick Recap of the Purpose

In His Dust – A Quick Recap of the Purpose

In His Dust is a series based on my notes from Dwight Pryor’s teaching. (For details about him, please see In His Dust – An Overview at Yeshua and His disciples were thoroughly Jewish and immersed in the study of the Tenakh (the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings). They spoke and studied in Hebrew. Since the New Testament was originally recorded in Hebrew before being translated into Greek, it is most valuable to learn the Hebraic context, meanings, and idioms that are not always apparent in the Greek. My ongoing study for this series pursues this goal.

Beth Ann

The Highest Form of Worship


The Highest Form of Worship 
Learning from the Master
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In his book New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus, Insights from His Jewish Context, David Bivin writes about the first century schools in which Jewish children began their study of Torah (the first five books of our Old Testament) at five years of age. He writes,

“One might assume that the synagogue as the place of worship would be considered more important or more sacred than the schools, but this was not the case. To this day the bet midrash [the secondary school in which children and adults studied Torah and the oral traditions] is given more prominence than the synagogues – not because education is valued more highly than worship, but because Judaism does not make a distinction between the two. Indeed, Judaism has always held that the study of Torah is one of the highest forms of worship.”

Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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