The Everlasting Covenant


The Everlasting Covenant 
An Old Covenant Foreshadow of The Best News Ever!
A Short Scripture Study in Genesis 15
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Dearly beloved of God, we are ambassadors of the Gospel (the Good News). In these last days, our clear understanding of this news is critical! So, why is it the best news ever?! And why is it important to understand it? Because “it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”[1]

Dr. Dwight Pryor wrote, “Our salvation began when the High and Holy One made an everlasting covenant with Abraham.” Chills of awe ran through me as I read these words in a recent email sent by The Center for Judaic-Christian Studies. I went back in my mind to what I had learned in Genesis 15 years ago. I would like to take you back there to share a nugget that confirms the true nature of the Gospel!

His Promise of Freedom


His Promise of Freedom
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The image with this devotional is my untouched photograph from Old Mission Peninsula, Michigan. Yes, these pinks, lavenders, blues, and greens were in my view from the room where we stayed. The scene reminds me of Psalm 18:19, “He brought me forth into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.”

Loving Him First
Over 20 years ago when I was single, my pastor encouraged me to attend The Great Commandment Principal Seminar given by David Ferguson. In a moment during the seminar, I sat stunned, awed. Mr. Ferguson read the words of Yeshua (Jesus) from John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” Then, he asked us – “What if this statement is not a warning, but a promise?”

The Mountain View


The Mountain View
Transfixed by His Glory
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When I was a teenager, my family vacationed in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I vividly remember sitting on top of a huge sand dune at dusk to see the view of the shoreline. I remember the deep loneliness I felt, wanting to share the experience with a forever-partner who would love me always no matter what.

Chosen for the Surge


Chosen for the Surge
His Purpose vs. My Dream
Written August 2020, revised February 2022, revised December 2023 for the New Year 2024
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As Yeshua (Jesus) and His disciples walked from their last Passover feast together through the gates of Jerusalem toward the garden of Gethsemane, He said to them,

“I Am the Vine; you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) and He said,

Readiness for Yeshua’s Return


Readiness for Yeshua’s Return 
He is eager to come for you!
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Every message these days seems to flow from the Song of Songs. He is coming back for us, His Bride! We are the delight of His heart, created in His image, the apple of His eye, the crown of His creation!

His love is our driving force for readiness. Let’s love Him back with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Living in God's Undeserved Love


Living in God’s Undeserved Love (Hesed)
October 15, 2019, Revisions: September 2020, September 2021, November 2023
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In 2019, I wrote The Tabernacle Hesed Moon, Living in God’s Undeserved Love. The following year, I shared this more-ordered version at a conference. This writing would be easy to use for a discussion around your table; you could facilitate it point by point. Simply print the free PDF at the link above. Here are the contents:

  • What is hesed?
  • The thwarting voice
  • Five truths about hesed
  • Five freedoms we experience as we live in God’s hesed

The Master Marksman


The Master Marksman
The Sword/Mouth Connection
A Personal or Group Scripture Study with Conclusions and Questions
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(blue letters represent Scripture references)

What is the Word of God?

Psalm 138:2   

I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth for You have magnified Your Word above all Your Name.

The Word of God is the expression of His heart that reflects His character.

HIS SIGWORK, An Overview


10 Key Principles of Responsible Scripture Interpretation
March 6, 2020
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Dear friends,

If I were to choose my greatest passion, I think it would be purity – purity in the food I eat, purity in the soil that grows the herbs in my backyard, purity in my morning coffee, the pure smell of sheets on the laundry line, the purity of simple times with friends, and the purity of God and His Word.

Missing Perspectives


Missing Perspectives
The Ministry of Jesus through the Women of the Church
A Greek-Word Study
With a Collage of Flower Girl Greetings Art of Women
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My soul continues to magnify the utter beauty of God’s Word as I write this study of key passages about women in the New Testament. I give credit to the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Greek Dictionary for helping me discover the meanings of these passages.

Choice Children, Part 1


Choice Children, Part 1
Bright like the stars
August 2019; revised September 2023
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Daniel 12:10a
Daniel 12:10a reads, “Many will be purged, purified and refined” referring to the Lord’s people during the end times. When I think of the word purge, I think of getting rid of things I don’t need. But, the Hebrew word for purge in this passage is bârar. Bârar means to clarify, brighten, examine, polish, prove, and make choice. Bârar also suggests the attention given to a favorite.

Freedom from Depression and Anxiety


Freedom from Anxiety and Depression 
Learning from a great trial from 1998-2001
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Table of Contents
Notes gleaned from Hope and Help for your Nerves
by Dr. Claire Weekes

How our nervous system works

The cure

Helpful Information for Sufferers and Their Friends

My Story


Path to healing

Healing verses
Why did this happen? Right and wrong ways to think about my suffering


Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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