His Promise of Freedom


His Promise of Freedom
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The image with this devotional is my untouched photograph from Old Mission Peninsula, Michigan. Yes, these pinks, lavenders, blues, and greens were in my view from the room where we stayed. The scene reminds me of Psalm 18:19, “He brought me forth into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.”

Loving Him First
Over 20 years ago when I was single, my pastor encouraged me to attend The Great Commandment Principal Seminar given by David Ferguson. In a moment during the seminar, I sat stunned, awed. Mr. Ferguson read the words of Yeshua (Jesus) from John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” Then, he asked us – “What if this statement is not a warning, but a promise?”

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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, ShaleFragments.com became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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