Revelation Pieces - Who we are!


Revelation Pieces – Who we are
Seeing the main elements of the Apocalypse
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Sometimes in the winter I like to put puzzles together. There are complicated puzzles with 1,000 pieces, less complicated with 500 pieces, and easy puzzles for children with 5 or 10 pieces. Let’s consider three puzzles all the same size with the same image. One has 1,000 pieces, one has 500 pieces, and one has 5 pieces. The puzzle pieces will be larger the fewer pieces you have.

Engrossing myself in the study of the book of Revelation seemed at first like a puzzle with thousands of pieces. How did they all fit together, I wondered? As I spent more time analyzing the parts, the number of pieces kept decreasing as the size of each piece expanded.

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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 4 - A High Mountain (21:9 - 22:21)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 4 - A High Mountain (21:9 - 22:21)

3. Outline - Scene 4 - A High Mountain (21:9 - 22:21)
The Messianic Kingdom
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  • Characteristics
  • Charges
  • Comfort
  • Challenges
  • Benediction
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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 3 - The Wilderness (17 - 21:8)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 3 - The Wilderness (17 - 21:8)

3. Outline - Scene 3 - The Wilderness (17 - 21:8)
Justice Comes
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  • Five Windows of Judgment Closed
  • Yeshua Comes – The Conquering Lamb
  • Visions and Images of the New Kingdom
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Echoes of Revelation - What is the Wrath of the Lamb?


What is the Wrath of the Lamb?
Love that Conquers
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There will soon be full vindication of all the evil, oppression, and injustice that has been perpetrated on the earth. The wrath of the Lamb will come, but what does His wrath look like? Join me in reading the full definition and nature of the wrath of the Lamb, the clash of light and darkness, and our future hope! Our understanding will teach us how to walk during difficult days.

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Echoes of Revelation - Behold, He is Coming!


Behold, He is Coming in the Clouds!
The Context
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In Scripture, we see two aspects or purposes of Yeshua’s return in the clouds –

  • to complete judgment, and
  • to gather together His believers to be with Him

Many of the prophecies of His coming, as well as His own accounts given to His disciples, overlap with multiple meanings, echoing in and out in nuances that are sometimes difficult to understand.

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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 3 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 3 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

3. Outline - Scene 2, Part 3 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)
Yeshua and the kingdoms of the world
How the First-Century, Asia Minor, Jewish Christians Understood the Book of Revelation
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  • The Political, Economic, Religious Cult of the Roman Empire (12-13)
  • Yeshua in Contrast as the Slaughtered Lamb, King (14-15)
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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 2 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 2 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

3. Outline - Scene 2, Part 2 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)
Yeshua and the Kingdoms of the world
How the First-Century, Asia Minor, Jewish Christians Understood the Book of Revelation
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  • The 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunders, and 7 Bowls
  • Three Roles of Faithful Witness 
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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 1 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 2, Part 1 - An Open Door into Heaven (4 - 16:21)

3. Outline - Scene 2, Part 1 - An Open Door into Heaven
Yeshua and the Kingdoms of the world (4 - 16:21)
How the First-Century, Asia Minor, Jewish Christians Understood the Book of Revelation
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  • The Door – An Invitation into the Worship of Yeshua (Jesus) Alone
  • Into the Door – The Heavenly Court in the Temple
  • The 7 Seals  
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Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 1 - The Island called Patmos (1:9 - 3:20)

Revelation - 3. Outline – Scene 1 - The Island called Patmos (1:9 - 3:20)

3. Outline - Scene 1 - The Island called Patmos (1:9 – 3:20)
The Real-Life World of Revelation 
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  • The Historical Context of the Asia Minor Communities
  • Descriptions of Yeshua
  • The 7 Messages to the 7 Churches
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Revelation - Symbols and Numbers

Revelation - Symbols and Numbers

Symbols and Numbers in the Book of Revelation - A List
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The Book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature. This genre of writing was pioneered by the first-century Jewish community during Yeshua’s (Jesus) time. We must understand its nature, characteristics, and symbology to interpret the text responsibly. For an overview of this genre, please see my writing The Book of Revelation – 2. Overview - Statements and Sources.

Apocalyptic literature includes symbolic elements that would have been readily understood by the first-century, Asia Minor, Jewish, Christian audience to whom it was written. Following is a list of some of the symbols and their meanings found in the Book of Revelation. You will see that the numbers are not literal but representative.

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Revelation - 1b. Table of Contents

Revelation - 1b. Table of Contents

1b. Table of Contents for the Book of Revelation Shale Fragments Study
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This document is only available as a PDF at this time. It may include more additions as the study unfolds.

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Revelation - 3. Outline – Overview of the 4 Scenes

Revelation - 3. Outline – Overview of the 4 Scenes

3. Outline - Overview of the 4 Scenes or Movements
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The following scenes are sections of the book of Revelation that are separated by one literary signal – the author’s words “I was in the Spirit” said four times. They signal a new location and how John received the material. They were auditory and oral signals to the hearers and readers that a new scene was beginning.

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Revelation - 2. Overview – Themes

Revelation - 2. Overview – Themes

2. Overview – Themes
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Two Core Themes, Four Theological Themes, and Four Themes in Yeshua's Teaching Reflected in Revelation:

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Revelation - 1a. Preface

Revelation - 1a. Preface

1a. Preface
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After completing a long but delightful lecture series on the book (scroll) of Revelation, words cannot express how excited I am to share it with you. As I soak in the truth of all I have learned, I realize I have only touched the very tip of a very large iceberg of understanding, and I continue to find connecting echoes throughout Scripture that further deepen the insights. My goal is to share what I’ve learned about the life-changing messages of this book in a way that brings hope, rest, comfort, and challenge as the original author intended.

Because lectures are different than books, I have taken notes, pared them down, and reordered the learning in a way that I could grasp it. First, I would like to share with you The Credentials, The Reason for the Study, A Key Verse, and A Summary of the purpose of the book.

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Revelation - 2. Overview – Statements and Sources

Revelation - 2. Overview – Statements and Sources

2. Overview – Statements and Sources
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The book of Revelation or John’s Apocalypse (Unveiling) is a promise of blessing with the purpose of comforting and challenging the First Century, Asia Minor, Jewish Christians (FCAM JC) whom John pastored. It is the announcement and promotion of the gracious salvation of Yahweh’s Kingdom of Shalom meant for those who follow Yeshua (Jesus), the Slaughtered Lamb. In it, God’s Kingdom collides with the kingdom of chaos and darkness, and we learn what it means to live as His Faithful Witnesses (FW) in this world.

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Revelation - Reference Map


The 7 Christian Communities in Asia Minor (modern western Turkey) and the Island of Patmos in the mid AD 90s
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Echoes of Revelation - His Table


His Table
An Unsurpassed Invitation
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Yeshua (Jesus), the Only Begotten of the Father, our Bridegroom, has come and secured our intimate union with Himself by His blood. By His suffering and death, He has covered our debt of sin and waywardness that kept us from Him. We stand in His presence forgiven and beloved!

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Songs of Heaven


Songs of Heaven
Worship Before His Throne
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My desire was to create a song sheet so we could join with the voices of Revelation in heaven in worship to our King. We could push our voices out with a new melody that may form a song to Him! We could sing the words or say them out loud, wrapping our hearts around Him in devotion!

The song sheet is on the next page. Each song is prefaced with the ones who are singing it. But first, here are brief notes to give understanding. It is important to note that apocalyptic literature includes many symbolic elements that would have been readily understood to the first century Asia Minor audience:

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Echoes of Revelation - Messiah Now - Visions of Yeshua


Messiah Now 
November 30, 2021; revised February 14, 2024
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We most often picture Yeshua (Jesus) as He walked on the earth in human form as recorded in the historical narratives of the Gospels of the New Testament, because His glory was revealed to us in this way (John 1:14). He became one of us! But how does He appear now as He intercedes for us? Although His splendor is beyond description and human comprehension, the Scripture gives us a glimpse into His eternal majesty with visions given in glorious, apocalyptic language that symbolizes His greatness, beauty, and sacrifice.

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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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