From Light to Light
From Light to Light
Our Savior's Journey of Passion - A Timeline
(the following text is on the back of the large bookmark shown at the end.)
Jesus’ Passion – the message of the entire Bible
The 16th century word passion means suffering or anguish. This definition has changed over time to mean any strong emotion or enthusiasm.
The life of the Lord expresses both definitions. He journeyed deep into passion (suffering), because His passion (a strong, enthusiastic love) is us.
- Paid our debt of sin by His sacrifice on the cross. But why?
- To fill us with the Holy Spirit and restore us to Himself. But why?
- So that we could live in delightful, intimate fellowship with Him!
His passion is our message!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Oh Father, Adonai, my Lord, thank You! I love You! I praise You! Take me deeper into the awareness of Your passionate love for me. I delight in Your companionship! Let me hear Your voice as I eagerly seek you!
My heart and body may fail, but You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)
3 Ways to Reinforce God’s Word into our Lives
1. Understand
a. The context, history and genre of the passage.
b. The author’s intent to the original audience.
c. The Bible as a gem – Scripture interprets Scripture. Each book (facet) reflects onto the other creating a beautiful synergy of understanding.
2. Respond
a. Meditate on a passage asking God to speak to you.
b. Identify one or more action steps to take in the next hours or days to respond to God’s message.
c. Plan – make a plan to act.
3. Pray
Invite Jesus into your study. Whatever your joy or trial, be honest with Him. Let Him sort it out. Pray His Word.
The bookmark below is a printed learning tool and may also be viewed or purchased here at Flower Girl It measures 3.66 x 8.5 inches. The front is a colorful timeline of our Lord’s eternal life.
Shale Fragments™ - devotionals by Beth Ann Phifer is a division of Flower Girl Greetings, LLC. ©2020, All Rights Reserved.
Blessings and love in Him,
Beth Ann
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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!
Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.
As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty!
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