Instruction at Breakfast


Instruction at Breakfast
A Reassurance of His Personal Love
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After Yeshua’s resurrection, on the same day, He appeared to His disciples while they were gathered in a closed room in Jerusalem. There He breathed the Holy Spirit on them (John 20:22). Thomas was not there; he had refused to believe unless he could see and touch the scars in His Master’s hands, feet and side. Eight days later, Thomas was in the room when Yeshua appeared to them again. Yeshua spoke directly to the weakest in faith, asking Thomas to touch His wounds, as if Thomas was the only person in the room. (See also Luke 24:33-53; John 20:19-29)

After that first week, some of the disciples must have travelled the long journey home to Capernaum in the new strength of the Holy Spirit. There, He appeared to them a third time on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, this time to address the personal need of Peter and to strengthen the others that were there.

It was dawn. The sun was just breaking over the horizon. The hopelessness of empty nets after a long night of fishing was all too familiar to these weary followers – Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James and John, and two others. There must have been a sense of disorientation and perplexion mixed with expectation as the seven fishermen neared the shore. They had surely been overwhelmed by the recent events – the crucifixion of their Beloved Master, His resurrection, and then His subsequent appearances. And now, it seemed they were back at square one, yet with fresh hope. Where would they go from here?

Then, just as had happened the day they first met Yeshua – there He was, filling their nets once again with an abundance of fish. They hauled their nets and brought the boats to shore in the dim coolness of the morning while Yeshua began a fire on the rocky beach. “Come, have breakfast,” He invited. No one spoke as He cooked the fish and broke the bread. They knew who He was. They lingered in the silence of brotherhood as the flames flickered. Then, He spoke to Peter.

Thinking about this scene brought back memories of the evening of December 31, 2019 as we sat on the shore of Galilee with our new friends from our trip to Israel. The lights of Tiberius on the other side of the lake flickered like no lights I had ever seen. The moon hung low in the sky as Nathan and Sarah sang their song. The fire crackled in the background (you can hear it in the song below). The Father’s words to us through the song were piercing: You may listen to the song here. (The song and lyrics are shared with permission from Nathan and Sarah Partain.)

Artist Name - Nathan-and-Sarah-Partain---I-Wont-Let-You-Go-Galilee-Live.mp3

In the fight of life, no, I won’t let you go.
Through the war inside you, I won’t let you go.
You can run all night, but I won’t let you go.
Every place you hide, no, I won’t let you go.

Before all ages, I have loved you,
I engraved you in My hands.
I have saved you, completely paid for you,
And I’ll never lose my grasp.

You can spill your pain, ’cause I won’t let you go.
You can yell and blame Me, I won’t let you go.
You can shut Me out, but I won’t let you go.
’Til your walls come down, no, I won’t let you go.

Before all ages, I have loved you,
I engraved you in My hands.
I have saved you, completely paid for you,
And I’ll never lose my grasp.

O, My child, I have bound Myself to you,
You’re My joy, My favorite one.
Do not fear for I will not abandon you,
I cannot forsake My Son.

You can bare your soul ’cause I won’t let you go.
Let your heart be known ’cause I won’t let you go.
You can fold and yield ’cause I won’t let you go.
How I long to heal you, I won’t let you go.

Yeshua’s presence with Thomas and Peter and the others reassured them that He would “never let them go” no matter what they had done. How kind and gentle of Yeshua to come back to check in with His loved ones, bringing healing and faith to their trauma and unbelief… to let Peter know He was loved and free from the shame of his fearful denial during His trial. He not only forgave Peter, but He entrusted him with the high commission of feeding His sheep.

I believe it was after this breakfast, that these seven fishermen along with four more disciples “proceeded to Galilee to the mountain Yeshua had appointed.” When He arrived, they worshipped Him. There, He gave His instruction,

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. So, go, and make disciples of all the nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:16-20)

“Feed My sheep. Make disciples. I am with you always.”

Forty-five years ago at the age of 23, when I first read about the breakfast on the Sea in the verses of John 21, the words Yeshua spoke to Peter tugged at my heart, “Feed my lambs.” Other Bible versions say, “Shepherd,” or “Tend my sheep.” They all mean, “Peter, give My sheep My words. Shepherd them with My teaching. You will know they are Mine because they are humble, receptive, hungry, and longing for My words. You are weak, but I will give you food to nourish them.”

My hunger has never stopped since that April day in 1980 when He brought me to Himself. Even at times when I thought I couldn’t bear the pain or that my life was over, I knew I was His, and His grasp on my life was my sure confidence. That is why I share – to be fed and to feed His truth to the hungry.

“Your words were found and I ate them,
And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart
For I have been called by Your name, Elohim, Yahweh Tsâbâ’ “  (Lord of angelic armies)
(Jeremiah 15:16)

Father, we draw near to You, our Shepherd, Lord of the armies of heaven! We meditate on and follow Your words. We bring our pain, loneliness, joy, and gratitude to You! You are not an impatient or frustrated Father who has better things to do. We are Your favorite! We thank You that Your grasp is greater than our weakness! We worship You!

We also visited Mount Arbel in Lower Galilee near Tiberias overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Could this have been the "mountain" where Yeshua had instructed His disciples to gather in Matthew 28?

Yeshua's disciples in 2019

Shale Fragments™ - writings by Beth Ann Phifer is a division of Flower Girl Greetings, LLC. ©2024, All Rights Reserved.
Blessings and love in Him,
Beth Ann

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Comments 3

Guest - Tara Rosenbloom on Friday, 31 January 2025 21:39

I have never loved your meditation in our Lord more! This is so beautiful. Thank you! I have a Scripture picture written on my wall Ps. 374. HE IS the desire of our heart, WE ARE the desire of His heart. THANK YOU FATHER for the gift of Your Son! There is no love like God's love.

I have never loved your meditation in our Lord more! This is so beautiful. Thank you! I have a Scripture picture written on my wall Ps. 374. HE IS the desire of our heart, WE ARE the desire of His heart. THANK YOU FATHER for the gift of Your Son! There is no love like God's love.
Guest - Ina on Saturday, 01 February 2025 01:38

Thank you Beth Ann. I really needed this. God bless you.

Thank you Beth Ann. I really needed this. God bless you.
Guest - Elizabeth Cassutto on Sunday, 23 February 2025 04:41

So beautiful Beth Ann. You capture the mood of the scripture so well. So beautifully written. Artist and scribe - that's you.

So beautiful Beth Ann. You capture the mood of the scripture so well. So beautifully written. Artist and scribe - that's you.
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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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