Anchor Awareness


Anchor Awareness
Our Sure Hope
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Yeshua (Jesus) said to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” (John 3:7)

When we receive Yeshua, we are born again (see John 1:11-13). God creates a new heart in us. (2 Cor. 5:17)

Through our new birth, He seals us in Him with an imperishable seed by the Holy Spirit. (1 Peter 1:23)

We are anchored in God. He is our Anchor.

We are in Him (Colossians 3:3), and He is in us (Colossians 1:25-27), and He is with us (John 14:16-17).

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us...” (Hebrews 6:19)

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My Greatest Gift


My Greatest Gift 
A message given on the day with the shortest period of daylight when the earth reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun. Today and always, Jesus is the Light of the world!
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The Greatest Gift anyone ever gave me was my new birth. It was given to me by my Father. I know I had to receive it, but I don’t remember receiving it. I just remember Him reaching out His hand into my darkness and touching me with a light so bright, I felt like I was swimming in a huge ocean of love, joy, and wholeness. I was completely new. It was like the words in a song – It was a “holy collision.” It was like the words that fell from Mary’s lips...

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A Reclaimed Species


A Reclaimed Species
The Kedoshim
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Dearly beloved of God,
At the beginning of July, I sent this message to you, because the Lord used it to change the way I thought and prayed. A few weeks later, I simplified it to share at a large retreat. I think this version is clearer in its simplicity, and so I am re-sending it to you. Why? Because it is important for us to understand and be reminded of who we are. When I know who I am in Yeshua (Jesus), I can better navigate the adversity around me.

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Springs of joy


Springs of joy!
Celebrate a new birth!

Psalm 87 is a beautiful gem of rejoicing!  It reflects with nuances of the joy of the Lord Most High, His city, His kingdom and His people. The sons of Korah sing of Adonai’s love for His people and the place of their birth. Verses 5-7 read:

Of Zion it shall be said,
“This one and that one were born in her,”
And the Lord Most High Himself will establish her.
He shall count and say, “This person and that person were born there.” Selah.
And the singers and musicians (dancers) shall sing:
All my springs of joy are in thee!

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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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