A Word from Yeshua to Those Who Have Failed
A Word from Yeshua to Those Who Have Failed
His Covenant is Always in His Mind
Psalm 106:44-48
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Dear friends and beloved of the Lord,
I am quite sure that those who subscribe to receive my emails are those who love the Lord. You are not trying to make excuses for wrong behavior. You love Adonai with all your heart. You’ve been born again by the Ruach, the Holy Spirit. You seek to walk triumphantly, and you enjoy His presence daily. You likely take sin seriously; however, you may have failed.
Last June 24th, I did. It was not the last time, but I remember the date well :) because it was a dear friend’s birthday and also because of what the Lord did.
I was more discouraged by myself than I had been in a long time. I was sitting on my patio at a table with my head down on my folded arms. The sun on my neck was comforting like Father’s strong steady hand. I lingered there in a silent cry to the Lord for mercy and help. Then, I heard something fluttering above me. I looked up and saw something I had never seen before – a pure, totally-white bird was mildly flapping about 30 feet directly above me. I watched the bird flutter in the same place for a bit as if it had a message. Then, it flew over the houses and out of my sight. I was stunned. The bird was brilliant!
A few days later, I looked at images online and discovered it was possibly a leucistic, red-tailed hawk. Leucism is a rare condition that causes loss of pigmentation in an animal. It is different from albinism because the eyes remain dark. A report noted that one of these white birds had been spotted about two hours north of me a few years before. The bird could also have been a dove. I don’t know.
I asked the Lord to show me His message because He is in charge of all creation! In Scripture, doves communicate God’s presence, security, promise of guaranteed hope, and the Holy Spirit. I wondered if His message was, “Come along with Me – let’s fly. I want to take you higher – let’s go!” Either way, the presence of such a beautiful and unusual sight lifted my heart.
Consider these words from Psalm 106 in the Complete Jewish Bible version. God’s people had failed. Verse 43b says, “They were brought low by their own wrongdoing.” Then in Verses 44-48, the Psalmist sings:
Still he took pity on their distress whenever he heard their cry.
For their sakes he kept in mind his covenant, and in his limitless grace relented,
causing them to be treated with compassion by all who had taken them captive.
Save us, Adonai our God! Gather us from among the nations,
so that we can thank your holy name and glory in praising you.
Blessed be Adonai, the God of Isra’el from eternity past to eternity future.
Now let all the people say, “Amen! Halleluyah!”
Please notice my emphasis on the words kept in mind. Other versions use the word remember – “He remembered His covenant.”
To me, the word remember connotes a recalling to mind as if something had been forgotten. You and I have our aha! moments when we remember something we forgot.
But Adonai never forgets. He doesn’t have aha! moments. Rather than remembering, He keeps things in mind. His covenant with us is always in His mind. Beloved, He keeps His covenant with us in His mind at all times.
Do you remember when He came into your life in all His fullness? Did you forget, or do you remember? The Lord God Adonai never forgot your birthday. It is sealed in His mind forever!
Our enemy cowers and shrinks away as he sees our Father lather us with compassion like we lather fresh bread with butter (at least I do!) The enemy does not understand Father’s forgiveness. His constant love and compassion are like oil that disables the enemy’s accusing, condemning grip.
I needed to be reminded today of what the Lord never forgets! And so, I’ve passed on His word to you.
We adore You today, Lord! Thank you for covering us with forgiveness. Your love is lavish, lathering us with shalom! Fill us afresh to walk triumphantly in the Holy Spirit! Renew our strength, our will, our emotions, our minds according to Your heart!
We thank Your holy Name and glory in praising You! Blessed be You, Adonai, the God of Isra’el from eternity past to eternity future! We all say, “Amen! Halleluyah!” in the name of Messiah, Your precious Son, Amen!
Shale Fragments™ - devotionals by Beth Ann Phifer is a division of Flower Girl Greetings, LLC. ©2020, All Rights Reserved.
Blessings and love in Him,
Beth Ann
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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!
Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, ShaleFragments.com became the gathering place for the writings.
As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty!
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