The Hebrew Names of God Collection
The Hebrew Names of God Collection
A Story
The Hebrew Names of God Collection is shown on Page 1 of our new catalog. It contains 12 art cards, each with a different Name of God. The back of each card includes Scripture references, devotional thoughts, and connections to both Testaments.
The Collection can be given as a gift or sent individually for any occasion. It can be used for personal reflection and group discussion. To see the front and back of each card, please visit our Shop here.
The first 32 Flower Girl Greetings cards were printed in 2012 using art from the previous 40 years of my life. Then, I began work on The Hebrew Names of God. In 2014, a large ministry contacted us to print the Collection as a Hanukkah gift for their supporters.
The fall of 2014 is an incredibly special memory.
During the printing process, God gave a miracle. The cards are printed on large sheets of 8 when they come through the gigantic offset printers. So, for this Collection of 12 cards, 8 would be printed, and then 4 would be printed. They were all to be printed on a Friday.
Well, after the first 8 cards were printed, the huge German printing press broke down. It needed a new part from Germany. Oh, no! We had a deadline! Jim from Pressworks Printers thought the remaining 4 could be printed the next week.
On the Saturday following the Friday that the first 8 cards were printed, my former Hebrew professor from ten years prior “just happened” to stop by our house to pick up a few items his daughter had stored in our basement. I was delighted to be able to show him the Hebrew letters on the art for the Collection. He loved the art but noticed a mistake… a rather big mistake that only one who knew Hebrew would notice. There was one little flourish that was needed on the Yahweh Shammah card to take the meaning from God is Destruction (not true) to God is Present with us (the intended meaning).
I had taken pictures of the 8 cards at the press that Friday, and so I anxiously looked at them. Wow! The Yahweh Shammah card had not been printed yet! Praise be to Yahweh Shammah, our God Who is present with us! He halted the printing and provided a proofer so I could make the correction!
After the printing, our dear friends opened their beautiful home in the country for the packaging of the Collections. It was harvest-time, so there was always fresh food to eat on our lunch breaks. It was such a huge, detailed project, but such a warm time of fellowship! We had collators, stuffers, box tapers and lifters, envelope counters, delivery drivers, and more! Each person was so precious and conscientious!
(To see pictures, scroll to the end of the post From Painting to Printing!)
Since 2013, The Hebrew Names of God Collection has gone far and wide. It has been distributed by other ministries, at convention and church exhibits, art shows, and home parties. It has been purchased through Flower Girl Greetings in every United State, except North Dakota :) It is one of four of our most popular Collections. Each one is a concise study tool on a Name of our Sovereign, Mighty Lord, a Name that declares His awesome character!
Blessings and love in Him,
Beth Ann
Shale Fragments™ - devotionals by Beth Ann Phifer is a division of Flower Girl Greetings, LLC. ©2023, All Rights Reserved.
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Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!
Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.
As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty!
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