In His Dust – 11. Parables of the Heart and the Kingdom


In His Dust – 11. Parables of the Heart and the Kingdom
The Seven Parables of Matthew 13
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To understand the characteristics of the parables of Yeshua (Jesus), please first see the writing Parables – Their Uniqueness and Beauty .

Previously, we learned the following characteristics of parables:

  • Parables are thought-provoking stories that teach and summon a response from the listener.
  • Parables are clear and illuminating to receptive, humble, willing hearts.
  • As the listener responds with action to the parables, more light comes.
  • Parables do not contain secrets meant only for the elite or smart; rather, they invite everyone to engage with them. Their goal is never to conceal. They do not need to be decoded.
  • Parables clarify, illustrate, dramatize, and reveal truth.
  • Parables are not given to condemn but to call the listeners to repentance.

Echoes of Revelation - Behold, He is Coming!


Behold, He is Coming in the Clouds!
The Context
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In Scripture, we see two aspects or purposes of Yeshua’s return in the clouds –

  • to complete judgment, and
  • to gather together His believers to be with Him

Many of the prophecies of His coming, as well as His own accounts given to His disciples, overlap with multiple meanings, echoing in and out in nuances that are sometimes difficult to understand.

Revelation - 3. Outline – Overview of the 4 Scenes

Revelation - 3. Outline – Overview of the 4 Scenes

3. Outline - Overview of the 4 Scenes or Movements
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The following scenes are sections of the book of Revelation that are separated by one literary signal – the author’s words “I was in the Spirit” said four times. They signal a new location and how John received the material. They were auditory and oral signals to the hearers and readers that a new scene was beginning.

Revelation - 2. Overview – Statements and Sources

Revelation - 2. Overview – Statements and Sources

2. Overview – Statements and Sources
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The book of Revelation or John’s Apocalypse (Unveiling) is a promise of blessing with the purpose of comforting and challenging the First Century, Asia Minor, Jewish Christians (FCAM JC) whom John pastored. It is the announcement and promotion of the gracious salvation of Yahweh’s Kingdom of Shalom meant for those who follow Yeshua (Jesus), the Slaughtered Lamb. In it, God’s Kingdom collides with the kingdom of chaos and darkness, and we learn what it means to live as His Faithful Witnesses (FW) in this world.



A Personal Story and Devotional
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Years ago, I was asked, “What would you like people to say about you at your funeral?” The answer that came immediately to my mind shocked me. It also gave me a new focus. The answer – I would like just one person at my funeral to say, “She heard me.” In other words, “She listened and valued me.”

I never thought of myself as a good listener. Because of my visual nature, I take in a lot of information in my environment and find myself working hard to focus away from the details of my surroundings to assimilate the words of others. And so, along the way, I gathered listening tips that resonated with me. I even made a bookmark to remind myself of them. Although I still rush in to get a word in edgewise, I find myself calmer and more interested in others than in being heard. But I still have a long way to go! Here is my list on how to be a good listener along with other thoughts and Scripture.

In His Dust – 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church


In His Dust – 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church 
Restoring her calling and gifts
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In His Dust is a series based on my notes from Dwight Pryor’s teaching. For details, please see In His Dust – A Quick Recap.


  • Introduction Points
  • Examples of the roles women assumed in the first-century church
  • The beautiful, breath-taking meanings of “head” and “submission”
  • Conclusion

In His Dust – 9. The Breathtaking Beauty of True Submission


In His Dust - 9. The Breathtaking Beauty of True Submission 
Loving Each Other
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In His Dust is a series based on my notes from Dwight Pryor’s teaching. For details, please see In His Dust – A Quick Recap.

This writing was extracted from a previous writing called In His Dust - 6. The Role of Women in the First-Century Church. I added more detail and emphasis on the definitions of the words head and submit because they are so beautiful.

The I AMs of Jesus Collection


The I AMs of Jesus Collection 
A Story
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After the Hebrew Names of God Collection was printed in 2014, The I AMs Collection was created and printed in 2015. It is shown on Page 2 of our new catalog. It contains 12 “I AMs” spoken by Jesus (Yeshua) from the books of John and Revelation. The back of each card includes Scripture and devotional thoughts. I have loved these breathtaking declarations and painted them many times. Jesus declared Himself to be:

Beautiful Word


Beautiful Word
An oil painting of three passions

The original artwork for this greeting card was created in an oil painting workshop taught by nationally-known impressionist painter and friend, Mark Gingerich. I arranged the still life that included items representing my passions – my Bible, flowers and study books, symbolizing the beauty and depth of God’s Word. 

Made for Another World


Made for Another World 
Windows into Joy
written December 18, 2021
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On Saturday morning, December 18, 2021, I awoke after a long night’s sleep to waves of thoughts, all connecting into a powerful revelation that produced joy in me. I grabbed my journal to capture the thoughts. After writing them down, I realized what I so often realize when writing… that the thoughts were not particularly profound in themselves; but rather they were powerful because they were personal. The Lord simply wanted to give me joy.

We are Redeemed


We are Redeemed
Redeemed is the Hebrew nîgāl.

The soft, periwinkle words on the front of the We are Redeemed Art Card are:
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for His has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people… Luke 1:16
“Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow,” says the Lord. Isaiah 1:18a

Great faithfulness Cross Stitch


Great faithfulness Cross Stitch
His love is new every morning

The original artwork for the Great faithfulness Cross Stitch Art Card was designed on graph paper and cross-stitched with gold, pink, and light green floss on purple cloth. The border was painted with metallic inks.

Welcome to Shale Fragments, a collection of writings and art for individual and group use!

Teaching God’s truth and the beauty of His Word is my greatest delight! My art card company, Flower Girl Greetings, was launched in 2012 with this purpose. In April 2020, became the gathering place for the writings.

As I have studied the rich meanings of the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible, I continue to see beautiful progressions and connections that compel me to organize and convey their life-changing beauty! 

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